The Ultimate Checklist for E-Commerce Startups Launching a Kickstarter Campaign



So you have a groundbreaking product idea and now you're ready to bring it to life. Welcome to the Kickstarter world:) However, it's not as easy as pressing 'launch' and watching the pledges roll in. Planning is key, especially if you're an e-commerce startup. This blog post offers you an essential checklist for setting your Kickstarter campaign up for success.

Phase 1: Pre-Launch Preparation

Website and Branding

  • Do: Make sure your website is in tip-top shape. It should be visually appealing, mobile-responsive, and aligned with your brand's identity.
  • Don’t: Launch your campaign with an incomplete or shoddy website. First impressions matter.

Social Proof

  • Do: Collect testimonials from beta testers, industry experts, or anyone who's sampled your product.
  • Don’t: Underestimate the power of social proof. It builds credibility and can be featured prominently in your campaign.

Phase 2: Planning Your Campaign

Target Audience

  • Do: Identify and study your target audience. Know their needs, pain points, and where they hang out online.
  • Don't: Aim your campaign at everyone. A targeted approach is more effective.

Marketing Assets

  • Do: Prepare high-quality photos, videos, and other marketing collateral in advance.
  • Don't: Skimp on quality. These materials represent your brand and product.

Phase 3: Campaign Details

Goal Setting

  • Do: Set realistic, attainable funding goals. Factor in all costs including production, shipping, and Kickstarter's cut.
  • Don't: Overestimate your funding needs, as it might scare potential backers away.


  • Do: Offer a variety of reward tiers that offer real value.
  • Don't: Complicate your reward system. Keep it simple and attractive.

Phase 4: For Pre-Revenue Startups

Proof of Concept

  • Do: Offer a prototype or minimum viable product to showcase your concept.
  • Don't: Expect people to back you based solely on an idea.

Financial Planning

  • Do: Be transparent about how the funds will be used, especially if you are pre-revenue. This builds trust.
  • Don't: Be vague or secretive about your financial plans.

Phase 5: What If You’re Funded?

Post-Campaign Communication

  • Do: Keep backers in the loop with regular updates about the production process, shipping timelines, and any hurdles you encounter.
  • Don't: Go radio silent once the campaign is funded.


Launching a successful Kickstarter campaign involves meticulous planning, especially for e-commerce startups. This checklist is designed to ensure you don't overlook any crucial steps in the excitement and chaos of launching your campaign. Good luck, and may the pledges be ever in your favor!